Tuesday, April 12, 2011


You know those moments in life:

When time stands still?
When all the blood, sweat and tears seems worth it?
When all the pain and hurt becomes totally justified?
When the emotion is so thick in air, you can taste it?
When you feel like you can't hurt anymore but force yourself to anyway?
When you think you have had enough and can't go but keep moving forward anyway?

When all of a sudden it just becomes so clear as to why you, do you what you do? Why you push to your total physical, emotional and mental limit? Why you get out of bed at hours of the morning that shouldn't exist? Why you avoid all the bad food? Why you say "No sorry I have training in the morning"? Why you appreciate the value and sanctity of the afternoon nap? Why you feel as though powerade flows through veins instead of blood? Why all of a sudden everything is clear, justified and so entirely worth it?

You know those moments in life?

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